Reins of Power
Date: 1/04/2025 7pm Est
DM: Dragonschilde
Type of game/class: One shot
System: Vampire the Masquerade 5e
No. of sessions: 1
Estimated Duration of Sessions: 3.5-4hours
Experience level: All are welcome
Max # of players: 5
Age: 16+ Beware of Mature themes
Platform: Forge Vtt and Discord voice
Other: Players will need to have a reliable internet connection and microphone. Video camera is optional. Players will be provided a character sheet to chose from and all rolls will be on the forge using digital dice. If all players are not within the waiting room at the allotted time, a 5 minute grace period will be provided. After the 5min are up we will start the session. Please note World of Darkness has very mature themes and may not be suitable for all people; X card and other safety tools will be in play during sessions.
It is New Year’s Eve, and the times are changing. The old Baron, a corrupt and wicked fellow, has been unseated by the players’ coterie, leaving a power vacuum that must be filled. The characters must replace the Baron immediately. They may seize the city for themselves or assume the role of kingmaker, throwing their support behind another Anarch.
As they discuss these possibilities, a horrific crime occurs. Ichabod, the old Baron’s ghoul, who had earned more respect from the Kindred community than his master ever could, is found murdered. He is killed in an alley behind a popular nightclub. His throat cut and a stake driven through his heart, the public nature and grisly details of the murder may threaten the Masquerade by arousing Second Inquisition suspicion.
Now, the characters are not only under the gun to f ind a new Baron, they must deal with a murder and a Masquerade breach. The clock is ticking, and nature abhors a vacuum.
You must be on the server Discord in order to participate. Please join BEFORE finishing check out to reserve your seat. If you DO NOT join the server BEFORE checking out, you risk not getting into the class/ game.
Date: 1/04/2025 7pm Est
DM: Dragonschilde
Type of game/class: One shot
System: Vampire the Masquerade 5e
No. of sessions: 1
Estimated Duration of Sessions: 3.5-4hours
Experience level: All are welcome
Max # of players: 5
Age: 16+ Beware of Mature themes
Platform: Forge Vtt and Discord voice
Other: Players will need to have a reliable internet connection and microphone. Video camera is optional. Players will be provided a character sheet to chose from and all rolls will be on the forge using digital dice. If all players are not within the waiting room at the allotted time, a 5 minute grace period will be provided. After the 5min are up we will start the session. Please note World of Darkness has very mature themes and may not be suitable for all people; X card and other safety tools will be in play during sessions.
It is New Year’s Eve, and the times are changing. The old Baron, a corrupt and wicked fellow, has been unseated by the players’ coterie, leaving a power vacuum that must be filled. The characters must replace the Baron immediately. They may seize the city for themselves or assume the role of kingmaker, throwing their support behind another Anarch.
As they discuss these possibilities, a horrific crime occurs. Ichabod, the old Baron’s ghoul, who had earned more respect from the Kindred community than his master ever could, is found murdered. He is killed in an alley behind a popular nightclub. His throat cut and a stake driven through his heart, the public nature and grisly details of the murder may threaten the Masquerade by arousing Second Inquisition suspicion.
Now, the characters are not only under the gun to f ind a new Baron, they must deal with a murder and a Masquerade breach. The clock is ticking, and nature abhors a vacuum.
You must be on the server Discord in order to participate. Please join BEFORE finishing check out to reserve your seat. If you DO NOT join the server BEFORE checking out, you risk not getting into the class/ game.
Date: 1/04/2025 7pm Est
DM: Dragonschilde
Type of game/class: One shot
System: Vampire the Masquerade 5e
No. of sessions: 1
Estimated Duration of Sessions: 3.5-4hours
Experience level: All are welcome
Max # of players: 5
Age: 16+ Beware of Mature themes
Platform: Forge Vtt and Discord voice
Other: Players will need to have a reliable internet connection and microphone. Video camera is optional. Players will be provided a character sheet to chose from and all rolls will be on the forge using digital dice. If all players are not within the waiting room at the allotted time, a 5 minute grace period will be provided. After the 5min are up we will start the session. Please note World of Darkness has very mature themes and may not be suitable for all people; X card and other safety tools will be in play during sessions.
It is New Year’s Eve, and the times are changing. The old Baron, a corrupt and wicked fellow, has been unseated by the players’ coterie, leaving a power vacuum that must be filled. The characters must replace the Baron immediately. They may seize the city for themselves or assume the role of kingmaker, throwing their support behind another Anarch.
As they discuss these possibilities, a horrific crime occurs. Ichabod, the old Baron’s ghoul, who had earned more respect from the Kindred community than his master ever could, is found murdered. He is killed in an alley behind a popular nightclub. His throat cut and a stake driven through his heart, the public nature and grisly details of the murder may threaten the Masquerade by arousing Second Inquisition suspicion.
Now, the characters are not only under the gun to f ind a new Baron, they must deal with a murder and a Masquerade breach. The clock is ticking, and nature abhors a vacuum.
You must be on the server Discord in order to participate. Please join BEFORE finishing check out to reserve your seat. If you DO NOT join the server BEFORE checking out, you risk not getting into the class/ game.